Ink Remover Penghapus Tinta Serba Guna

Ink Remover
Three Methods:Using Household Chemical ProductsUsing Non-Chemical ProductsUsing Correction Fluid
Maybe you want to erase that bad grade on the top of your math test, or want to try to remove the marginal comments in a used book. Using simple household items and the right technique, its possible to remove most of the ink on a piece of paper. Though it's very difficult to get ink removed entirely, a combination of different techniques can give you a better chance of making the paper or page white again.   

Method 1 of 3: Using Household Chemical Products
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    Apply nail polish remover to the inky area. The basic ingredient in nail polish remover is acetone, which is a powerful and flammable solvent. It quickly strips the polish from nails and can also be effective in lifting ink from paper.
    • Apply a small dab of nail polish remover to the ink you want to remove and blot it dry with a small piece of tissue or cotton to remove the ink that you've loosed.
    • If you want to remove all the ink from a piece of paper, you can try soaking the entire sheet of paper in the nail polish remover to loosen the ink, then remove the ink, and let the paper dry completely.
    • Depending on the type of paper that you're using, it might be more effective to pour some nail polish remover onto the paper, or to dab it gently with the cotton, then wipe it onto the paper.
    • Wait for it to dry. The time it takes for paper to dry will vary, depending on the extent of the stain and the humidity.
    • Reapply more nail polish remover to remove the ink, if necessary, after the sheet dries.
    • Lay out a few paper towels to absorb any excess remover and lay the sheet of paper on top. Leave it in a well ventilated area. It should dry quickly.
  2. Erase Ink from a Paper Step 3.jpg
    Use peroxide or rubbing alcohol. Antiseptic chemicals can also be used to remove ink on fabrics and can be somewhat effective in removing ink from paper.
    • Dab the area with peroxide or alcohol with a small cotton ball or piece of tissue.
    • Dry the area and wipe away the ink.
    • Once the paper dries, you might need to reapply a small amount of the peroxide or alcohol to clean up any smudges.
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    Try hairspray. Hairspray is usually used to remove stains from fabrics but it can also be used on paper
    • Keep in mind it may leave behind a gummy residue, or a faint discoloration on the paper.
    • Do a spot test on another piece of paper to see if it works before applying it to the ink you’d like to remove.
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    Try bleach. Bleach works well at whiting out already white surfaces, which can include removing ink from paper.
    Bleach is a harsh and potentially dangerous compound, so only use bleach in extremely well ventilated areas with adult supervision.
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    Apply chemicals in a well ventilated area or outside. Because these are noxious chemicals, handle them with great care in a well-ventilated space or outside. Under no circumstances should you mix compounds together with anything else.
    • Always wear gloves while handling these chemicals.
  6. ethod 2 of 3: Using Non-Chemical Products
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    Try toothpaste. Plain baking-soda based toothpaste can be somewhat effective and natural way to remove ink from fabric and from wood. This method could also work well on thick, high-fiber paper.
    Use an old toothbrush to massage the toothpaste into the ink and rinse it off gently with clean water. For some added grit, try adding a small amount of baking soda to the mixture on the top of the ink you want to remove.
    • Avoid blue gel-based toothpastes and toothpastes with lots of additives, which might end up staining the paper more than removing the ink.
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    Use vinegar. Pour a small amount of white vinegar directly onto the ink and allow it to sit for at least ten minutes, before dabbing at it with a little bit of plain dish soap.
    • Be very careful not to use too much water, as this could weaken the paper and cause it to tear. With a cotton ball, gently massage the soapy area with some water and try to lift the ink.
    • This method is typically more effective at getting ink stains out of fabric, which is tend to be more durable than paper. Though it is a method worth trying, it may be less effective than using chemical methods and other products.
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    Try shaving cream. Some people have reported having success removing ink stains from fabric with shaving cream, and it might work with removing ink from paper as well.
    • Use regular foaming shaving cream, not dyed or colored gels, which can stain paper, much like colored or flavored toothpaste.
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    Try sandpaper. Get some extremely fine-grained sandpaper, and very carefully attempt to rub the ink from the paper. While it's unlikely that heavy ink will be able to be "sanded" off the paper, faint or light ink, or even printed ink will sometimes be easy to rub off of thick paper.
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    Invest in a laser eraser. While this technology isn't widely available commercially yet, innovations in laser technology can allow paper to be used and reused almost indefinitely, by zapping the ink without causing significant damage to the cellulose fibers below it.
    • Experts say this method could reduce carbon emissions and recycling costs significantly.

Method 3 of 3: Using Correction Fluid

  1. Erase Ink from a Paper Step 5.jpg
    Purchase some correction fluid like White-Out or Liquid Paper. The easiest way to blot out ink on paper is to use a small amount of whiting fluid to cover it. This maintains the integrity of the paper without leaving a super-obvious trace on the paper.
    • You can paint it on in a thin coat to cover the ink and then write over it in like normal paper.
  2. Erase Ink from a Paper Step 6.jpg
    Place a small amount of fluid on the brush. Most bottles will come with a brush attached to the cap that you can use.
    • Be sure to wipe off excess correction fluid and try to get only the smallest possible amount on the brush. The white out will look less obvious if it thinly applied to the paper, rather than caked on.
  3. Erase Ink from a Paper Step 7.jpg
    Dab the correction fluid onto the ink. Use as little as possible and smooth your dabs into a fine coat, trying only to cover the particular letters or spots that you want to cover.
  4. Erase Ink from a Paper Step 8.jpg
    Wait for it to dry. It'll take a few minutes for it to dry, but you want to make sure it's completely dry before you try and write over it, so don't rush it.
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    Write over the spot. Correction fluid works best when you write something back over the erased ink, obscuring the super-whiteness of the liquid paper.
    • If you're trying to change a grade, cover over it with the thinnest possible layer and only on the lines of the letter grade.

Cara PertamaX Ink Remover 
Aseton sebagai Ink Remover (Cairan Penghapus cat Kuku. Caranya : teteskan aseton pada bagian yang terkena noda. Diamkan kurang lebih 30 menit setelah itu kucek-kuceklah sampai tinta benar-benar luntur dan bersih. Nah untuk menyempurnakannya, kita bisa mencuci pakaian tersebut seperti biasanya, yaitu dengan menggunakan detergen, kemudian bilaslah sampai bersih. Kalau noda tidak terlalu besar, agan bisa memakai korekan telinga yang agan celupkan di aseton, lalu gosok pelan2 sampai noda memudar dan langsung cuci dengan detergen untuk menghilangkan sisa-sisa noda yang membandel

Cara KeduaX 
Untuk noda tinta yang sudah lama tidak bisa dihilangkan coba gunakan hairspray sebagai penghapus tinta yang mengandung aerosol. Caranya, semprotkanlah pada lap kering, kemudian gosok-gosokkan pada tempat yang terkena noda. Zat aerosol mungkin saja dapat menghilangkan tinta. Hanya saja, kelemahannya bisa meninggalkan residu yang lengket pada pakaian. Tapi tidak semua jenis spray rambut ada yang mengandung aerosol jadi hati-hatilah ketika membeli

Cara Ketigax 
(Khusus) ada beberapa masukan lain yang lebih khusus untuk angkat tinta, yang terkait dengan warna pakaian. Untuk pakaian berwarna, apabila terkena noda tinta, kita bisa membersihkannya dengan air susu. Zat laktosa di dalamnya dapat meluruhkan tinta sedikit demi sedikit. Kita hanya perlu ekstra bersabar sebelum semua nodanya hilang.

Caranya, rendamlah pakaian yang terkena noda tinta dalam air susu selama beberapa menit. Kemudian, angkat dan kuceklah sebentar. Masukkan lagi ke dalam larutan susu, lalu cucilah dengan air dingin. Tapi jangan membeli susu bayi y gan karena efeknya juga tetep sama dengan susu biasa yang akan menghapus tinta yang membandel.
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